When it comes down to SEO marketing, Tampa has relied on Online Presence Manager for years. Part of what our clients love most about our SEO services is that we don’t just listen to our clients, we also provide them with an understanding. Sometimes that just means explaining why we are taking a particular action for their website and sometimes that means sharing tips that our clients can carry out themselves to give their sites an extra boost. Today we’re going to share a few of those tips with you.
VIDEO: SEO Marketing: Tampa Company Shares 6 SEO Tips You Should Know
SEO Marketing: Tampa Company Shares 6 SEO Marketing Tips You Should Know
1. Speed Matters A LOT
Your website should load quickly and cleanly. If you find that your site loads slowly or partially or runs into errors, it’s an issue that you need to fix. Visitors to your site will give it seconds to load and if it encounters errors or doesn’t load fast enough, they are going to leave and head to your competitors’ website instead. It’s not only about your competitors though, search engines have a distinct dislike for websites that load slowly or that encounter loading errors.
So, how do you fix this problem? The fix depends on the problem. Some common causes include:
- Plugins that are incompatible with your blog theme or other plugins
- Images on your site that have not been optimized for size and dimension
- Website designs that run scripts
- Sites that are hosted on servers that are not equipped for the site load
2. SEO Is About Human Clients More Than Search Engines
Yes, you read that correctly. When writing content for your website and optimizing your site for search engines, DON’T write content specifically for search engines. You know what we’re talking about…those websites that have paragraphs of text that make no sense at all but are filled with bold keywords. Doing this is really going to irritate potential clients and it’s your clients who help your business to succeed above all else.
So, when you write content for your site, write it yourself (don’t auto-generate it or have a foreigner write it in broken English), write it to be interesting and helpful, and write it as though you were speaking to a real person. Written well, your content will naturally be optimized for keywords, but it will also appeal to your website visitors rather than turn them away.
3. USE Analytics
Google Analytics is a tool that tracks your website traffic, but it also provides you with a lot of valuable information that you can use to your advantage. For example, Analytics can tell you:
- How many people are finding your website
- How those people are finding your website
- Where on your site those people are visiting
- How long those visitors stay on your site
- The search terms that they searched in order to find your website
All of this information can be used to project the future growth of your company and to make adjustments to website campaigns when needed.
It’s important that you install Analytics as early as possible in your website’s creation as possible so that you can accurately track your progress and traffic growth as well as determine whether your current approach to marketing is working for you.
4. Edit and Optimize Existing Content on Your Website
If you already have a website and want to keep that site design, take the time to look through any Analytic stats you might have and use that information to improve upon the content you already have. What words are being searched to find particular content? Are you taking full advantage of those keywords or can you improve your content? Does any of your content ALMOST make it to the front page of search engines? Use your stats to identify these terms and better optimize this content to boost it onto the front page of search engines.
5. Cache Plugins Are Your Friend
Install a safe and reputable cache plugin or program onto your website. This will help to reduce the load time of your site and create a more pleasing experience for your website visitors and take less of a toll on your server.
6. Regularly "Audit" Your Content
Every few months take some time to scan through your content and Analytics information for significant changes. Has one article become particularly popular? Make sure that post is properly optimized and that you have included links to other pages on your site to encourage website visitors to stay on your site for a longer period.
Need Help With SEO Marketing, Tampa?
Does your small business need help with SEO marketing, Tampa? If so, Online Presence Manager can help you. Just give us a call today at 727-475-6460 and let’s start your SEO optimization campaign right away!