Business after COVID…it’s a confusing time for most business owners, but for bar owners and owners of other service-oriented businesses, things are more frustrating than ever. So, today, we’re taking a look at 5 things that you bar owners out there should consider during this time.
Business After Covid: 5 Things For Your Bar to Consider

1. It’s Still Your Responsibility to Enforce Social Distancing
Social distancing has been in place for quite some time now, but just because businesses like yours are starting to reopen, does not mean that social distancing is any less important. When you do reopen your business, be sure that your social distancing policy is published and posted somewhere where each guest can see it. This can be difficult in bar atmospheres, but difficult does not mean impossible! You should also know that a failure to enforce social distancing can not only get you into the bad books of possible customers, but you may also find yourself in the court system facing charges for breaking state regulations and putting your patrons in danger.
Will enforcing social distancing mean fewer people in the bar? Yes, but it will also mean a safer environment, not being singled out by the local press for breaking rules and regulations, and not having to face the backlash and loss of business that will result when you become the target of a tragic news story.
2. Enforce the Use of Face Masks
Every single one of your staff should be wearing a face mask, wearing it properly, and wearing it all of the time while they are at work. Your employees are a reflection of you and your business and if they aren’t taking putting others at risk as a serious problem, they are sending a message that you and your business just don’t care!

3. You May Have to Deal With More Emotion
As a bar owner, there is no doubt that you run into conflict among your patrons every now and again. It’s something that just goes with the territory. What you should keep in mind, however, is that after months and months of being in quarantine, a LOT of people are itching to get out of the house and those same people have a lot of built-up frustrations and emotion. This is going to increase the likelihood that you’re going to experience conflicts now more than ever. Be prepared for this and make sure that your staff is prepared too.

4. WorkPlace Protocol Will Change
With the advent of COVID-19 it has become necessary to “step it up” when it comes to keeping the workplace sanitary. As you reopen the doors of your bar for business, make sure that you have a regular cleaning schedule in place to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. This includes wiping off all common surfaces with antibacterial solutions MULTIPLE times an hour, getting all used dishes and glasses moved off the table as soon as possible to avoid having other guests exposed to illness due to possibly contaminated surfaces, and checking the establishment to be sure that everyone is social distancing and wearing their face masks. This is going to take a chunk of time out of every day, but it’s a chunk of time that’s important to the safety of your patrons and your employees.
5. You’re Going to Need to Push That Marketing Budget As Far As It Will Go
Closing your doors during COVID-19 has left you with a gap in your income. This means that you are going to struggle and as businesses reopen, it’s going to take a few months before anything gets back to any semblance of normalcy. During this time you are going to have to be creative with your marketing budget. You want to do everything in your power to keep patrons walking through your door so that you can bring in as much profit as possible to keep that door open. One way that you can do this is by bringing on a social media manager or an online presence manager. This is someone who can create “buzz” about your business online and ensure that your name gets seen but because they work virtually, you have less expense than you might have if you brought someone on-staff to do the same job.
Business After Covid…Do You Need Help?
Do you need help getting your business back into good standing following the recent pandemic shutdowns? If you need professional assistance, give us a call here at Online Presence Manager. Our professional team is standing by to help you to grow your business and your business’s online presence.