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What is an Online Reputation Manager (ORM) and How One Can Help Your Business?

By May 23, 2018July 2nd, 2024No Comments

An online reputation manager (ORM) is crucial to your business’s success, just like an online presence manager. But what sets these roles apart, and how can an online reputation manager specifically benefit your business?

In this post, we’ll dive into the distinctions between an online reputation manager and an online presence manager, and explore the unique advantages an ORM service can offer.

If you’re looking to get started with online reputation management, contact Online Presence Manager. We specialize in providing comprehensive ORM services for both brick-and-mortar and service area-based (SAB) businesses. Reach out to us at (727)-475-6460 for expert online reputation management that can enhance your business’s credibility and success.

online reputation manager ORM service

Online Reputation Manager (ORM) Vs. Online Presence Manager (OPM)

Let’s start by examining the difference between an ORM and an OPM.

An online reputation manager (ORM) focuses on maintaining and improving your company or brand’s reputation online.

An online presence manager (OPM), on the other hand, oversees your entire company or brand’s online presence. This includes tasks such as content creation, social media management, and SEO. While reputation management is a crucial part of an OPM’s job, it is just one aspect of their broader responsibilities. At Online Presence Manager, all our presence management services include comprehensive reputation management.

In simple terms, an online reputation manager handles one specific aspect of your online presence, while an online presence manager manages multiple facets of it.

How Do the Services of an Online Reputation Manager Compare to Those of an Online Presence Manager?

An online reputation manager works on part of the whole. Their services are more limited in comparison to those offered by an online presence manager.

Below you can see some of the types of services each type of manager provides.

Services Offered by an Online Reputation Manager

  • Monitoring and replying to online feedback for your business.
  • Monitoring and replying to online reviews for your business.
  • Monitoring and replying to social media comments for your business.

Services Offered by an Online Presence Manager

  • Management of your online reputation via the services noted above.
  • Regular posting to your online website to create dynamic and engaging content for your readers.
  • Regular posting to your social media channels to maintain engagement with followers.
  • Creation and maintenance of your company website to ensure it incorporates up to date technology.
  • Management and optimization of Google Ad campaigns.
  • Optimization of your website and your website content for search engines.
  • Keyword research to optimize revenue and improve search engine position.

Why is Online Reputation Management Important?

Whether you hire an online reputation manager (ORM) or an online presence manager (OPM) who includes reputation management in their services, paying attention to your online reputation is crucial. Here’s why:

Your online reputation not only attracts new clients but also influences whether existing clients will return. A single negative review can tarnish your business’s image, and how you respond to and manage that feedback is critical. Poor management of negative reviews can lead to a downward spiral for your company.

Having an ORM on your team allows you to promptly address negative feedback, preventing potential damage to your reputation. They actively monitor and manage your online presence, ensuring that your brand is represented positively across all platforms. This proactive approach helps maintain a strong and favorable online reputation, drawing in new clients and retaining existing ones.

At Online Presence Manager, we specialize in providing comprehensive online reputation management services. Whether you need a dedicated ORM or an OPM with reputation management expertise, our team is here to help. Contact us at (727)-475-6460 to ensure your business maintains a stellar online reputation.

How Can an Online Reputation Manager Help Your Business?

Having an online reputation manager (ORM) working with you provides numerous benefits for your business. Here’s how:

1. Active Monitoring: An ORM continuously monitors various online platforms for feedback about your business. They keep an eye on review sites, social media, forums, and other relevant channels. By doing so, they can quickly identify any negative feedback or potential issues, raising red flags before situations escalate.

2. Crisis Management: When negative feedback arises, an ORM steps in to manage the situation. They craft appropriate responses to address customer concerns, mitigate damage, and demonstrate your commitment to excellent customer service. Their expertise ensures that negative situations are handled professionally and effectively.

3. Reputation Rebuilding: If your business has already suffered from negative reviews or feedback, an ORM can help rebuild your online reputation. They develop and implement strategies to counteract negative content, such as promoting positive reviews, generating favorable content, and enhancing your overall online presence.

4. Proactive Reputation Enhancement: Beyond managing crises, an ORM proactively works to enhance your business’s online reputation. They create and share positive content about your brand, engage with customers, and encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews. This ongoing effort helps maintain a strong and positive online image.

5. Strategic Insights: An ORM provides valuable insights into how your business is perceived online. They analyze trends, customer sentiments, and competitive landscapes to inform your overall marketing and business strategies. This data-driven approach helps you make informed decisions to further strengthen your brand’s reputation.

At Online Presence Manager, we specialize in comprehensive online reputation management services. Our team is dedicated to protecting and enhancing your business’s online image. Contact us at (727)-475-6460 to learn how our ORM services can benefit your business.

What Happens if You Don’t Hire an Online Reputation Manager For Your Company?

If you don’t invest in an online reputation manager (ORM), you may encounter several challenges and potential issues:

1. Self-Monitoring Burden: Without an ORM, you’ll need to monitor online feedback and comments about your business yourself. This can be time-consuming and distract you from other critical business tasks.

2. Untrained Staff: If you delegate this responsibility to an existing employee, they may lack the training and expertise required to handle reputation management effectively. This not only diverts their focus from their primary duties but also risks improper handling of sensitive situations.

3. Missed Issues: Without professional monitoring, negative feedback can easily slip through the cracks and escalate, causing significant harm to your business’s reputation. Timely and appropriate responses are crucial in preventing small issues from becoming major problems.

4. Inefficient Resource Use: Paying an untrained employee to manage your online reputation is an inefficient use of resources. By investing in a professional ORM, you ensure that the job is done effectively and efficiently, leveraging their specialized tools and knowledge.

5. Professional Expertise: An ORM brings the expertise and tools needed to manage your online reputation professionally. They are skilled in identifying potential issues, responding appropriately, and implementing strategies to enhance your brand’s image.

Investing in an online reputation manager ensures that your business’s online presence is monitored and managed by professionals. This allows you and your staff to focus on core business activities while maintaining a positive and credible online image.

Looking to Hire an ORM Service for Your Business?

Are you ready to hire an expert to manage your online reputation or your entire online presence?

Don’t leave your company’s reputation to chance. Trust the professional services of an experienced online reputation manager (ORM). With years of experience in small business management, entrepreneurship, and online reputation management, I can help you showcase your business in a positive light, attract new clients, and retain your existing ones, all while boosting your bottom line.

Schedule your free consultation today by calling us toll-free at 727-475-6460!

OPM John

Author OPM John

I've been digital marketing since the Commodore 64. I specialize in providing fully managed digital marketing and local SEO services for businesses. When I'm not managing a SMB presence, I post reputation, SEO, and social media management tips for business owners.

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