Social Media Management

7 Benefits of Hiring Someone to Post on Social Media for Your Business

Have you ever considered hiring someone to post on social media for your business? If you haven’t, you might want to begin because there are many benefits that come with a social media manager. Today I want to talk about seven of the benefits that come with having your own social media manager on staff!

7 Benefits of Hiring Someone to Post on Social Media for Your Business

1. Regularly Scheduled Updates

One of the most important factors in a successful online presence is maintaining regular updates. Updates keep existing and potential clients interested in your brand by keeping your name active in social circles. For example, let’s say that your company is releasing a new product. You hop onto social media to announce this product but when you get there you find that you have few followers and the ones that you do have show little interest in today’s update because you have not been regularly engaged with them in the past.

Regular updates, however, keeps your name on the radar of social media users and builds a following of social media users over time.

2. Responsiveness

These days more and more consumers are looking online for contact information for companies. They are making requests, complaints, and giving reviews via online forums and social media. Without a regular online presence, many of these mentions of your company or brand go unchecked. This is a problem because it allows negative comments to go unaddressed and it creates a feeling that you generally don’t care about your customers.

Regular responses and engagement online via social media give the impression that you care about your customers, apologize for negative experiences, and recognize their role as a voice in your community.

3. Putting a “Face” to Your Brand

Many brands and companies are seen as “big corporations” even if they are smaller businesses. This gives them the appearance of being unapproachable and more of an entity rather than a human-driven business.

When you represent your company online on a regular basis and take time to respond to individual comments and requests, you create a personality for your brand. This makes you more approachable, more human, and customers are more forgiving of blunders that may sometimes occur.

4. Curation of Followers

It’s something that a lot of people don’t think about – curation of followers. Many individuals and businesses have an “if you build it, they will come” mentality. This is simply not true. To grow your social media followers, you must actively seek out followers, engage with new faces, and make connections within your industry.

A social media manager can take care of this type of curation for you and they can also eliminate fake follower accounts, spammers who are exploiting your company name for their publicity, and maintain a respectable ratio of followers to people followed which impacts your ability to grow on social networks like Twitter.

5. Monitoring of Local Trends

Maintaining a regular presence on social media is also beneficial for your company and brand because it allows you to monitor and stay on top of local trends in your industry. This provides you with valuable information for marketing, product innovation, and what your competitors are focused on currently.

6. Increased Exposure For Your Business

Another obvious benefit of having someone to post on social media for your business is the overall exposure that this brings. With increasing numbers of people relying on social media networks to voice their opinions, seek out new products, and offer feedback, it’s become the perfect forum for exposure.

By making regular updates via social media your company or brand can recruit new clients without the extreme expense and minimal exposure now associated with print advertising. Can you also invest in print marketing or purchase online advertising? Of course, but when you have the opportunity for affordable exposure and interaction with an interested audience, you should always take advantage of it!

7. Marketing Research

Before social media networks companies had to pay for market research. They had to hold meetings in small rooms and ask a select group of people what they thought about a product or what they wanted to be changed. For a minimal sample of opinions, the cost of this research was ridiculous. Through social network interaction, however, you now have the ability to sample incredible numbers of potential customers while cutting the expense of that research. Additionally, the wide reach of social networks means that your sampled audience is even more diverse allowing for more accurate feedback!

Think a Social Media Manager is Right For you?

If you think having someone to post on social media for your business could benefit you, drop me a line at 727-475-6460! I’d be happy to help to get your business on the right social media track!

Published by
OPM John