Social Media Management

Twitter Marketing Strategy: 9 Things You Can Do to Increase Visibility and Followers

A Twitter marketing strategy is a crucial element when it comes to your small business success on social media. Unfortunately, many small business owners aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to increasing their business’s Twitter visibility and followers. Fortunately, that’s exactly what I’m talking about today!

9 Things You Can Implement in Your Twitter Marketing Strategy to Increase Your Visibility and Followers

1. Make Your Twitter Account Unique

Make your Twitter account stand out from the rest and appear to be a managed account versus an automated or corporate presence. Do this by creating an intriguing profile blurb, using a unique and eye-catching profile image, and creating a unique and eye-catching header. If you don’t have the ability to create these things yourself consider hiring a social media manager or a graphic designer to do them for you. This will not only catch the attention of potential new followers when a hashtag hits their Twitter timeline, but it will also make your tweets stand out from the competition when they do get piled on top of each other on that timeline!

2. Promote Your Twitter Account on Your Website and Other Social Media Accounts

The more you share your social media accounts the more likely others are to see it and follow you. One way that you can share your Twitter information is simply by including a linked Twitter icon on your website. Make this icon easy to see and use a recognizable image so that readers can recognize it when they see it. When your readers click this icon they should be taken directly to your Twitter page. You can also link to your Twitter page through other social media accounts and in your author biography. This type of cross-linking is simply another way to publicise your account and the more exposure you get, the faster and larger your Twitter account is going to grow.

When promoting your Twitter account through other avenues it’s always important to remember that you are not selling your readers on something, you are simply reminding them or asking them to share in another part of your online presence. Don’t be pushy!

3. Use a Social Media Sharing Plug-in for Your Blog Content

Adding a social media sharing plug-in to your blog makes sharing your content as simple as clicking a button and the easier you make it, the more likely readers are to share. There are a million and one social sharing plug-ins out there to choose from and depending on the theme that you use on your blog and which other plug-ins you use, one may work better for your blog than another. Whichever plug-in you do choose to use, just make sure that it is compatible with your version of WordPress, it doesn’t throw off the functionality of any other aspects of your website, and that it’s prominent enough to encourage users to use it! Try including a sharing button like this at the top of your content page as well as at the end of the content post.

4. Don’t Abuse Hashtags or Tweet Too Much in a Short Period

There are few things that annoy other Twitter users as much as users who overload their tweets with so many hashtags that you can barely see the original tweet for all the tagging. Be discerning when you use hashtags, limit the ones that you use to those that are most relevant and that will gain you the most exposure.

5. Engage With Other Users on Twitter

Don’t only use your Twitter account to promote your own content and talk “at” your followers. Use your Twitter account to engage with others, make them feel valued and heard. Respond to feedback personally, take an interest in the lives and opinions of your followers, and remember that your followers are human so stop talking at them!

6. Share Interesting and Variable Content

A lot of small businesses use their Twitter accounts only to promote their products. If you want to keep followers engaged with your account try sharing variable content and make sure that whatever you share is interesting enough to attract attention. This can be done by sharing unique content, making content more visually appealing, or simply switching up the type of content that you usually share so that you appeal to a more diverse crowd.

7. Embed Tweets From Your Account In Your Blog Posts and Web Content

Another great way to get exposure for your Twitter account is to embed tweets from your Twitter account into other content that you publish. For example, embed a relevant Twitter post into your blog post for the day or when you make a guest post on someone else’s blog. Just make sure that the Tweet you are sharing is relevant and intriguing otherwise you could drive potential followers away and annoy the owner of the blog you are guest posting on.

8. Share Other People’s Content with Retweets and Link Sharing

Retweeting tweets posted by authority figures in your niche and sharing links to their relevant content helps to build relationships within your niche as well as provide interesting content for your followers to engage with. This is a great way to keep your followers interested in your content and encourage new followers to your account from other accounts.

9. Set-up Twitter Cards

Twitter cards is a visually appealing method of sharing content on your Twitter account. The way it works is to format content shared from your blog to create a controlled visually appealing snippet designed to engage social media users.

Don’t Have Time to Implement a Proper Twitter Marketing Strategy?

If you don’t have time to implement a proper Twitter marketing strategy don’t push it aside and forget about it. Your business’s online success depends on your social media presence on all viable networks, so invest in a professional social media manager instead!

I currently have an opening for one more social media management client. If you are interested in hiring me to help manage your social media presence just give me a call at 727-475-6460 for your free consultation today!

Published by
OPM John