Social Media Management

Pinterest Marketing: 5 Ways You Can Generate Fresh Traffic and Increase Leads

Pinterest marketing is an underutilized method of putting social media to work for your business. Most businesses use Twitter and Facebook and some even use Instagram…but why aren’t more people using Pinterest? I firmly believe that part of the reason why Pinterest is so neglected is simply a lack of knowledge. If more small business owners understood how valuable Pinterest can be in marketing their brand, many more would be using this vast social network on a regular basis. But, just in case you’re skeptical, today I want to share a few ways that you can use Pinterest to generate traffic and leads for your business.

5 Methods of Using Pinterest Marketing to Generate Traffic and Leads for Your Business

1. Pin Regularly

When you pin regularly you are ensuring that you show up on your followers’ feeds regularly. Just be sure to pin things that are relevant to your business, promote your brand, and include a link back to your site!

2. Make Sure You Are Using a Pinterest Business Account!

Signing up for a Pinterest business account will give you access to Pinterest analytics. The account is free, but the analytical information is invaluable in being able to better target your audience with pins and information about your products or services.

3. Pay Attention to Your Pinterest Copy

When using Pinterest to increase your traffic and increase your leads pay attention to the text that you are sharing along with your pinned image. This short descriptive text should include tags to increase your audience, wording that will capture the attention of your audience, and a reference to your site or brand with a call to action. Don’t just repost pins with their existing text!

4. Know When to Pin

There are so many Pinterest users pinning images at all times of the day so it’s important that you time your pins well. You want to pin at a time when your pins are going to be seen, but you also don’t want to pin when your pins are going to get buried in seconds. Pay attention to your Pinterest analytics and try to pin when you notice a spike in activity so that you can make the most of your traffic.

5. Make Your Own Images

Whether it’s a witty quote, a picture of your product with a motivational message, or an infographic, create your own Pinterest images to share. Make sure that these images tie in your product or website and do this in a way that it can’t be cropped out easily.

Do You Need Someone to Take Charge of Your Pinterest Marketing?

If you are looking for someone with experience to help you to promote your content and brand on Pinterest, give me a call at 727-475-6460. I offer a free consultation to all new clients and I’d be happy to discuss with you how we can put your brand on the Pinterest map!

Published by
OPM John