SEO Management

SEO Services Florida Businesses Just Starting Up Don’t Need

There are SEO services Florida businesses can benefit from when it comes to search engine optimization, but if you are a new business that is just starting up, it’s important to manage your marketing budget carefully. So, you don’t want to begin investing in anything and everything offered by SEO companies. As a small business with a minimal budget, you have to plan carefully and that means choosing only the SEO services that you can benefit from.

SEO Services Florida Businesses Just Starting Up Don’t Need

Rush Services

Yes, SEO is crucial to any business these days, but if you are shopping for SEO services to find a company that can get you rush results, know that this isn’t going to benefit you in the least. Building an online reputation and drawing a consistent flow of traffic is something that takes time because it must be done with fine curation to ensure that you get the right traffic, that you have the right website appeal, that your customers are actually out there looking for you.

What good is paying for rushed services if no one is looking for your product yet? You are much better off investing in search engine optimization of your website or a redesign of your site to accommodate your SEO needs.

Any Ads Campaigns IF…

If you have yet to build and optimize your website for search engines, you certainly don’t need to be buying keywords and setting up ad campaigns! Before you start driving traffic en mass to your website, you need a website that is functional, that can be properly indexed by search engines, and that website visitors can use easily to find what they need. The problem here is if visitors to your site are deterred by the site design, you have ruined your first opportunity to make an impression and there’s a good chance that customer won’t come back.

Before investing in any ad or marketing campaigns, take the money that you would have used for those purposes, and invest in your site design, website copy, and SEO for your site. These elements are far more important to the beginner business than other services at this point in time.

Templated Services

Many SEO services offer cookie cutter services that are something like a “plug and play” solution. While these can sometimes work for large commercial businesses (since they are generally built and based on the needs of established businesses who know their needs,) they certainly don’t work for the small starter business that has yet to complete the “baby steps” involved in building a strong foundation. This foundation needs to be built specifically with your business in mind. This means that you should have a custom solution designed to fit your budget and your business type and business needs. Since you have a smaller budget to work with, the more targeted your approach, the more beneficial it will be. Without a strong foundation built on customized service, however, you aren’t investing in the best resources for your business.

This Doesn’t Mean That You Don’t Need SEO Services

Just because the services that you are looking for for your business aren’t the same as the services that major corporations seek out isn’t to say that your business doesn’t need SEO services at all. Every business with an online presence needs search engine optimization if they intend to benefit from good rankings in search engines, if they want to ensure that customers can find them online, and if they want to build brand awareness.

Think of it this way – you wouldn’t teach a baby to walk if they couldn’t crawl, would you? The same concept applies to your startup business. You need to invest in that strong foundation – or learn how to crawl – before you start trying to walk!

So, what SEO services should you look into for your startup small business? We recommend the following as a good starting point:

Website Design and SEO

If you don’t already have your website design complete, this is one of the first things that you need to invest in. If you do have your website complete, is it optimized for search engines? If your site design is not optimized, you need to get this done ASAP. Your website is your online hub – all other channels lead back to it, so you need to be sure that it is ready for business and for search engine indexing!


Your website content is another investment that you need to make. What is content? This is anything from the copy (text) on your website to articles and updates made to your site. Visitors to your site expect to see content when they come to you, but they don’t expect to get the same stale content every time they visit you! This is why you need to invest in the initial content of your site as well as updates and articles that will keep your content dynamic and encourage repeat customers. Repeat customers are important not just for sales, but also because they are your bread and butter – your basis for brand loyalty.

Looking For SEO Services Florida Businesses Can Benefit From Even When They’re Just Starting Up?

If you are looking for SEO services that your Florida business can benefit from without being pressured into buying services that won’t benefit your newly starting company, Online Presence Manager can help! Call us today for a free consultation at 727-475-6460.