Online Presence Management Blog

Fix Business Internet Reputation with These Helpful Tips

To fix business internet reputation concerns, there are a few steps that you can take. While it’s always best to turn to someone who has experience in online presence management to help, you can get a headstart on your poor online reputation yourself with these tips!

5 Ways to Fix Business Internet Reputation Concerns

1. Address Problems Directly

If the problem has arisen recently, address it directly. Remember to remain professional, offer your apologies for the inconvenience, consider sending a private message offering a refund, replacement product, or simply a personal apology.

IF the problem was months or years ago, however, consider leaving it alone. By replying to an older comment or message publicly you are bumping that message back into the public eye.

2. Hit the Delete Button

Looking back through your profile history and your company profile history online you may notice previous messages that were posted that no longer reflect well on your business. If this is the case, delete these messages immediately and clean up your online history as thoroughly as possible.

3. Lock Down Your Profiles

Secure your online profiles with heavy duty passwords, security questions, and login verification. This will prevent anyone from being able to log into your accounts and make malicious posts on your behalf. Make sure to regularly change your passwords (at least once every three months) to keep things secure. You should also change passwords whenever you suspect that someone may have seen your password or when an employee leaves your business.

4. Setup Google Alerts

Set up Google alerts for your name, your company name, your brand name, and your product name. This will e-mail you anytime these terms show up on Google so that you can tackle problems when they occur rather than allowing them to go unnoticed by you or to grow out of control.

5. Know When to Leave it Alone and When to Walk Away

It is tempting to jump in and respond as soon as you read any type of disparaging remark online about your business, but this isn’t always the wisest idea. Never respond out of frustration or anger, never respond before you understand the situation fully and get both sides of a situation, never excuse inexcusable behavior, and never lie to make something better.

Call in the Professionals For Help!

If you have real online reputation concerns, it’s best to leave well enough alone and call in the professionals. I currently have openings for just a couple of clients in my online reputation management schedule, so drop me a line at 727-475-6460 for a free consultation and see how I can help you!

Published by
OPM John